Calling People to Islam

Calling people to Islam (Da’wah) is the Sunnah (tradition) of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), which must be followed by all. Muslims.Calling/inviting others to Islam for the sake of Allah (Da’wah) is the essence of Prophet Muhammad’s mission, and it is one of the most important duties that Muslims must follow.

How Does the Media Portray Muslims?

I would like to urge all my Muslim readers to please take this survery.It is a very important survey. The explanation for this survery will be explained shortly. There hasn’t been enough survey submissions these past few weeks so we are urging you to please take 5 minutes of your time to complete the online survey. We know everyone […]

Virtues of Friday

When some of us think of Friday, we sometimes associate this day as “The Day” to sit down on that heavenly lounge chair, sip a nice cup of coffee or tea and lift our feet and know that you could care less what your boss wants you to do. This is the day where all worries from the week have been […]